NUS Flagship Green Energy Programme is approved!

Today, energy-environment issues have taken center stage in global discussions. Against this backdrop, the Liquid Sunshine economy aims to turn solar energy, CO2 and H2O into convenient liquid green fuels for everyday applications with methanol and ethanol as the first targets. By utilizing solar energy as the primary energy source, these replenishable green fuels may hold the key to solving the global energy and environment issues.
The NUS Green Energy Programme represents a major step towards establishing NUS as a centre of excellence in catalysis research on the conversion of CO2 into green fuels as affordable, ecologically-balanced energy solutions. We anticipate the transformation of the chemical industry from the traditional and mature top-down processes (fossil fuel cracking) to the cutting-edge bottom-up
processes (C1, C2 chemistry based on CO2), which provide higher value addition and growth opportunities for Singapore and beyond. Carbon-neutral green fuels are the “conduit of the new economy” and central to Climate Resilience and Energy Security, for our sustainable future.
Our flagship is established by a team of distinguished researchers and rising young talents, with a diversity of expertise ranging from catalyst design, synthesis and characterisation, artificial intelligence, to reactor studies and process design; structured to develop multidisciplinary research on CO2 conversion technologies that can be expeditiously translated to the industry. We aim to foster a dynamic collaborative research environment involving international partners and forge a strong team with complementary experience on green fuel research that is highly competitive and globally prominent; to champion sustainable carbon-neutral fuel technologies.